Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Goodbye Recession. Hello, Optimism!

First Annual Bubblypalooza Scheduled for Saturday, May 1, 12-3 pm

It's official. We're survivors. All of us. Anyone who has plowed through the past two years of economic hardship probably has a good story to tell. Stories of survival, of hardship, of victory and of loss. We certainly have a lot we could share as a result of our first 19 months in business at The Mercantile. Our stories would mostly involve those of community, team work, exploration, grass roots efforts and passion. All of those stories would be mingled with notes from hard lessons learned through inexperience, unforseeable economic hardship, tangled city ordinances, cash flow debacles, and some of the hardest work anyone will ever know.

Mixed in with all that is the ever present philosophy that continues to fuel what we do everyday at The Mercantile: "Food is storytelling. Wine is mythology." Through everything the past two years, we've enjoyed the opportunity to be part of our neighbors' lives. We send roasted chickens out the door towards a family who has just had a joyous birth. Someone comes in looking for a wine as a gift to a friend who has had a promotion. A repairman from Marta called us a couple of weeks ago just to say that was the best chicken salad he had ever tasted. People order cookies for parties and pick up chocolate cake after a rough day. Each time we have an opportunity to help a guest create a memory or commemorate something, we are gratified.

We are still standing. And we are so grateful. We want to celebrate. We want you to join us. Let's celebrate the fact that we are all Recessionaires! We are richer with knowledge, burdened with new vision, leaner in operation, smarter than when we began, and brandishing new street smarts everyday. The road ahead still looks a little bumpy. Recovery is difficult, but imminent. Optimism is crucial to keep us all going. Let's say goodbye to the Big Recession and Hello to Optimism. Celebrate with us this Saturday!

It's gonna be a long time before most of us can afford to drink true Champagne. But, let's not allow that to stop us! Join us this Saturday for a sparkling wine tasting. Explore sparkling wines that cost less than $20 per bottle. We'll be tasting Australian sparkling, Chilean Brut and a delicious cava that's perfect for summer! Who knows, we might even tempt extravagance and break out some pate by Trois Petits Cochon.

We'll see you in the shop on Saturday, May 1 between 12pm-3pm to celebrate the future!
-Janea Boyles and Chef Samantha Enzmann


Anonymous said...

Go team Merc! Love you all and so glad that you are here and that you are survivors!! Whoo hoo!
Don't know if I'll be able to join you Saturday, but I'll be there in spirit!

Madame Sosostris said...

Love sparkling wine! I am not from Atlanta but, am really excited to bring my friends and find some new favorites! Great idea!